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5 away to Become TikTok from Beginners to Earning Money

5 away to Become TikTok from Beginners to Earning Money

Tiktok has become a trending video sharing app in recent times. Currently, this Chinese application has more than 900 million monthly active users.

Taking advantage of this growing trend opportunity, everyone has the opportunity to become a TikTok influencer. To be able to make it happen, it can be done in the following ways, as reported by the Influencer Marketing Hub site:

1. Learn the TikTok Algorithm
TikTok's algorithm is very different from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter though. The TikTok algorithm will recommend related videos to non-followers.

In addition, the TikTok algorithm classifies content based on parameters such as followed accounts, liked TikTok videos, etc. By studying the TikTok algorithm system, it can later become a reference in producing more optimal content.

2. Create Account and Set Up TikTok Profile

When creating a TikTok account, it is recommended to create a pro account for businesses and content creators. Creator account, is the best choice for those who intend to become a TikTok influencer. When setting up a TikTok account profile, pay attention to the bio and profile photo sections. Recommended for these two sections, made to be as interesting as possible in order to give a positive first impression to the audience.

3. Create Content Consistently
Digital law on a platform will spoil content creators or TikTok influencers who upload content consistently. The longer the video is watched, the more its impression will develop for others to watch. In TikTok it is known as FYP (for your page), more or less similar to the term trending topic on Twitter.

4. Find a Specific Niche
In order to become a TikTok influencer, you must have high influence and credibility according to your field. Instead of studying many sciences, it is better to study one particular science.

In addition to providing convenience in creating sustainable content, TikTok audiences usually prefer to listen to one particular topic from a TikTok influencer. Therefore, find a certain niche so that later you can be seen as an expert in the field you are engaged in.

5. Start Earning Money
Once you reach status as a TikTok influencer, the next thing to do is start making money from it. Need to monetize TikTok to make money.

There are several ways to monetize TikTok, including collecting donations through live broadcasts, running influencer agencies, creating sponsored content, and selling merchandise.

With its growing popularity, many people are competing to become TikTok influencers because they can make money from monetization
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