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5 Ways to Buy Stocks for Beginners, Understand the Stages

5 Ways to Buy Stocks for Beginners, Understand the Stages

Generally, the purpose of investing in stocks is because they have the hope of getting a better life in the short or long term. However, the name of investment always has a risk in it. This risk is important to minimize so as not to cause losses in the future.

In the world of investment, stocks themselves are very much chosen because they are considered capable of providing large profits in the long term, but by taking the right steps.

1. Learn and understand the basic knowledge of stocks
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Stock and Exchange Trading Photo Illustration (iStockphoto)
The most basic way to buy stocks for beginners is to learn and understand what stocks are and how the stock mechanism can be run. This really needs to be done and becomes a very fundamental thing. If you miss it, it will only make you confused and don't know what steps to take when playing stocks.

You also really need to understand the benefits and risks that usually occur in stock investing. Of course, the goal is that you are better prepared for whatever will happen in the future. Because, the greater the profit, the greater the risk that may occur.

This may not only apply to stocks, but when you are about to start any type of investment. You must understand very well about the new world you want to choose such as stocks. So, don't be rash and want everything to be instant, OK?
2. Determine the Securities Company
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Stock and Exchange Trading Photo Illustration (iStockphoto)
The next way to buy shares for beginners is to determine which securities company will help you become an intermediary when playing stocks. This is because this securities company has a role as an intermediary for you to buy and sell shares and will assist in opening a stock account on the IDX. That is why, you need to determine and also determine which securities company to trust.

Try to choose a security company that is listed on the IDX and already has a good reputation. In addition, you also need to understand about the services and fees that are usually set by securities companies.
3. Start Selecting Stocks
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Stock and Exchange Trading Photo Illustration (iStockphoto)
If the above method of buying shares for beginners has been done and you already have a stock account, then the next step is for you to determine which shares to buy. However, before buying the stock, don't forget to choose the most profitable type of stock.

In addition to being profitable, these stocks must also have low risk. You can see the conditions regarding the risk of the stock from the condition of the company, the chart of the company's stock price, and you can also ask for input from a securities company that you trust to choose the best stock.
4. Make a Share Purchase
Furthermore, when you have determined which shares to buy, then you can start buying the selected shares. To buy these shares, you can buy through a broker to buy the shares you want or you can also buy them yourself through an online stock trading application.

Generally, securities companies that have a good reputation and are trusted already have their own trading system that you can download and install on your smartphone. And, usually the application also includes various information such as stock movements of the participating companies.
5. Always Monitor the Market

The fifth way to buy stocks for beginners is to monitor the stock market. Usually, stock trading in the market is strongly influenced by economic conditions, politics, security, and various other factors. That is why, it is very important for you to monitor the condition of the stock market regularly.

In addition, you also have to learn to pay attention to the ups and downs of stock prices. Of course, the goal is that you can benefit from investing in stocks, because you know when to buy and sell stocks in order to get the maximum profit.

Well, what do you think, it's not easy enough to buy stocks for beginners above. However, in playing stocks, patience and caution are needed, yes. Because, if you are careless when buying shares on the market, it will risk causing losses.

In addition, you must also always be updated with the latest information regarding the ups and downs of stock prices on the market every day. Good luck and good luck.
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